2012/05/18 19:15

[Z_8 路線]:意思內容是我自己稱呼他的簡稱-大體範圍是[台灣本島北部與南部在中間-梨山.合歡山交叉成內8字形狀.然後加上外環海線路程一圈.總長度約是 2400~2800公里之間.所經道路的城鎮.路線.未必有硬性規定.但是大致有個範圍而已.主要是.路程長.旅程.往往會受制天氣.交通情況而拿捏修 改.或者假期的長短而更改路線]     
                                                  [2].氣候  真得很爛.變化很大.不好行走在山區路上.有些路.還禿然斷掉.工程在搶修
                                                             方達_亞迪  流浪漢方式機車旅遊--滾得很孤單.但很甘願-很自在   
                                                            他仍然是如同孕育過我的母親父親.到處都是美.在急速極化氣候的風雨中                                                              是另依種大自然的美
                                                             最麻的 還是  人類群體  亂加工過後的各重無俚頭行為.在搞亂.這-如同污染

帳篷  這頂已經買了很久  沒在使用-約2年


在室內  可以搭乘這樣-...練習搭帳篷時候.風力有點大...被吹成有點歪歪的


這頂  我感覺不好收   其他算還OK

老去的帳棚  沒用到  一鼎  送給人家  另一鼎  拿來當雨衣   蓋愛將-老鐵馬  防曬雨淋

這輛車---將近半年沒在使用  z-8  後半部環海線跟南部山路  打算在用他走  ---前8字形路線  先用MAJESTY125  跑看看他的山路走的情況是否能以應付  同樣  將近2-3個月  沒在騎乘.我都在搭乘交通車

看電視  以前沒有做紀錄

天氣  報告都很爛  下雨


從  八里-承德路-經重慶北路-走向  首都  統府

路線亂走-向宜蘭方向走  本打算  想從-深坑-石碇-福隆  的  結果  被  新路  給搞混  卻成[北47]坪林跑上北宜公路上

北宜公路  在結速靠近頭城-檢查站  有這[石頭公]小廟  根據當地居民說這裡可以免費讓人過夜-給[走不好的人給方便]  我室友去看過  但是  沒真實過夜.
應該是ok的  有時候  警察臨檢  就在這裡  過夜  應很安全---要點蚊香  文字很兇

晚上  在這個小學過夜  拿身分證  給學校保全登記
學校的留守老師說-學校有對外開放給民眾  ---過去有注意到.但還是首次去問看看.恩.
               我這樣已經1.2十年了...一切  還好.

要來這過夜之前  有到福隆海水浴場.但時間有點晚-17:30就沙雕展覽活動結束  18:30整個沙灘人群要淨空
人群當時又多....還擁擠到  一位開車民眾跟我商量[可否把機車移往旁邊.讓他停車.因為他已經繞了快1小時.找不到車位來停.]我望去牌子[機車專用停車區]...這裡是機車停車區ㄟ
旁邊-大型重機車情侶正要離開-臨走前提醒我[機車停車趨是在你旁右手邊啦.左手邊還有空地.可以給人家停車]  喔!!
我乾脆離開 -去看沙雕展還得買150元入票參觀    邊往-石城 方向欣賞海景行車  來到這學校問看  若不成  轉向  東興宮 再打算-

晨起  邊用早餐  邊欣賞這美景


[Z_8 route]: The meaning content is I calls him the abbreviation - scope is roughly [north Taiwan main island and south in the among - Lishan. In Mt. Hehuan becomes 8 character shapes alternately. Then adds on outer ring submarine cable distance. The total length approximately is between 2400~2800 kilometers. Passes through path's cities. Route. Not necessarily some firm decision. But has a scope approximately. Is mainly. The distance is long. Journey. Often will be restrained the weather. The transportation situation acts bashful the revision. Or vacation's length changes the route] Good. This is this time. Just has the vacation - time not too 夠. But also the accident wastes for 2 days--- [1]: Installs the pathfinder manually. ---Could not find the suitable fixed appliance slowly. Has to use one's head. Asks others. After Che Liaoxing the .3c electron looks for the suitable appliance to re-equip. Carries on the installment….Spends above at least 4 hours in the consultation. True After beginning construction in for 2 hours to do settled. Namely embarked. Is mainly suitable in the south. Because of metropolis renewal construction. Changes Xu Duolu. Attire On he. The brocade position has made the reference. In fact---Used. Also really will hit the mountain---Or expunges from a list jumps into the sea!! However the - 7 years ago I have the garmine main engine. On large-scale heavy locomotive. However never has the starting travel use. Only brings listens to the broadcast. Looks at the photograph the picture. Finally - is not careful falls the vehicle - mirror surface to divulge - the freezing in the drawer. Useless!! [2]. climate really very rottenly. The change is very big. It is not good walks on the mountainous area road. Some groups. Also bare however is cut off. Project in emergency repair Is unable to pass through. Has to waste the time and the change route…However fortunately. The person vehicle has rolls the dwelling safely - also energy Is living. Continues to eat and drink and so on to sleep. Then---Continues to stroll oneself hobby traveling way---Crisp!! Fang Da_ Asian tramp way locomotive traveling--Rolls very much lonelily. But is willing - to be very comfortable very much When others is not comfortable. With develops opens. Or the exaggerating achievement expenditure is very greatly very great. Very self-satisfied travel. Especially said [overseas]. However - Fang Da feeling: Taiwan is my place of birth. Even if earthquake. Wind and rain. Spate. Chaos caused by war from now on He was still is similar to has bred my mother father. Everywhere is US. In polarizes the climate rapidly in the wind and rain Is depends on addition plants the nature US The most hemp's human community will process from now on each heavy tedium leader is randomly. Is breeding confusion. This - is similar to the pollution Very not easy to use law. Education. Administration. Belief. Gives the result for a while The good - idle talk - report finished stage **** following to have the feeling once again body male It is not feeling well - the nose to polite - hurry to look at other people. Is also US. Is also the great money. Upscale vehicle High consumption traveling. Does not need to look at my this kind of cruel fate [poor and pedantic person - tramp's locomotive travel diary



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